Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jackson has his 2 month check up the other day. Here’s the latest and greatest stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 14 oz.
Head: 40 cm
Length: 22 inches
He moved up from the 15th percentile in weight class to the 53rd! He’s an eating machine too, taking in about 3-4 oz. every 3 hours. He loves his bottles!
The nights are getting a little better. He’ll usually have one longer stretch of sleep of 4-5 hours every night, followed by 3 hour intervals. Not bad at all! For some reason, he has decided that he doesn’t want to nap in his crib during the daylight. He’d rather be held or in his bouncy seat. He just wants to be where all the “action” is, we guess.
He’s doing great… healthy as can be and happy!
Monday, September 15, 2008
the dog days of summer...
Last weekend we took at trip up to Talitha's cabin (Tyler's boss) in the Uintas. Although the cabin isn't nearly as nice as the Bear Lake cabin, it was still a good time. Other than grunting all night long... Jackson did really well too. Here's a few pics.

Saturday, September 13, 2008
First Smiles...

Life seems so crazy these days and we don’t know where the last weeks have gone! This little guy just turned 6 weeks old. He’s growing up so fast. It’s amazing to look at his newborn pictures and see how much his looks have changed in the past weeks. His little cheeks are filling out and he has the sweetest eyes in the whole world. We absolutely love them. Don’t you think he’s the cutest little thing on the planet? He’s such a handsome little boy!!! Jackson is still doing well. He’s still eating great (as you can probably see from his pictures). He’s eating about 3 oz. every 2-3 hours. He’s also sleeping pretty well. He’s on a 3 hour schedule at night. This past week, he’s gone to bed around 9:00pm and then got up to eat around 1am, 4am and 7am. He goes right back to sleep afterwards, so it’s really not too bad.
This past week we had our first Family Home Evening. Okay, okay… it’s really not like us to be all over that -- we're terrible with FHE. But, we were invited by Ty’s sister (Emily) to go up to the canyon and roast marshmallows for s’mores. So we bundled up the little guy and headed up there. Ty’s parents, two of his sisters and their families were there. It was a good time. Jackson loves being outdoors, so he was happy the whole time. It's always a good time we get to spend an evening with all the cousins too!

Little Brooke is getting pretty excited to join the crew. As I'm writing this post, she's doing somersaults (or flips). Or maybe it's the hiccups. All I can say is that she's extremely active, and she's growing -- which mean's I'm growing. I'm starting to feel the long three months ahead of me and I can just visualize myself getting huge.... but we're excited for her to get here. We're starting to work on her room and we hope to have it all ready by the time she arrives (unlike little Jackson's room which is still in the works).
Well, we're going to get the blogging thing down! So, this is our post (for now). Please enjoy the latest pics!
With love,
Ty, Jill & Jackson (Shadow too)