Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Putting things into perspective…

I don’t want to depress anyone (all 1 or 2 of you reading this blog), but there have been so many events take place of the past months that made me shed tears and contemplate life.

1. Logan Rylee Bostrom (babyloganbostrom.blogspot.com) – This blog (by a friend of my sister-in-law, Lacey) shares the journey of a beautiful baby girl born with a heart condition that allowed her to live with her mommy and daddy for one week.
2.       Ethan Thomas Gauchey (Geoffreyandsharee.blogspot.com) – This story really hits home. Sharee is Tyler’s darling cousin, and her amazing little guy, Ethan, recently passed away after a strong fight. We had the privilege of attending his beautiful graveside service last Saturday and I’m so grateful we could be there. What an emotional, long and heart-breaking journey they’ve been on. And what an amazing little baby. I’m truly grateful for eternal families.
3.       One of my nephew’s best friends ended his own life about a month ago after a long battle with drug abuse. Tragic as it is, he ended his life in front of his twin brother and parents. What a sad, heart-breaking way to go.
4.       The news is full of sad stories—missing children, abused children, mothers senselessly killed and discarded, natural disasters taking the lives of thousands of loved ones in addition to all the possessions families have worked so hard to have.
5.       All the events taking place in Lybia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. where innocent citizens are dying from the senseless acts of extremists. And, soldiers are sacrificing their lives and time away from their families/friends to fight and protect them/us.
6.       Last summer a friend from high school lost his wife in a tragic bike/auto accident. They had two little girls—age 3 and 3-months. I think about them a lot, even months later. I can’t imagine having to heal from something like that.
7.       My neighbor recently told me she and her husband split up after only 9 months of marriage. They’ve moved out and now her two little boys have to adjust to life without their step-dad in and new house/neighborhood/school. Breaks my heart.

The list goes on…

I decided a while back that I can’t read or watch the news anymore because it’s just too sad. But it isn’t just the news that’s sad—real life is sad. There are so many around us suffering and struggling.

With Easter just around the corner, I think it’s a perfect time to reflect on the power of the Atonement. Because it happened, we know those sweet parents will be with their babies again. And we know that they can heal and move on. We also know all those that are suffering from loss or life’s heartaches can heal.

Moreover, events like these certainly help me realize how truly blessed I am and how grateful I am for my two miracles. They are truly miracles—one through an amazing adoption journey and one through a miracle pregnancy! As overwhelmed as I feel at times, I can’t imagine my life without them.

I hope you all enjoy this Easter week. Let’s all try to keep those we love in our thoughts and prayers and try a little harder to ease the suffering/burdens of others.



Robyn "Granma" Curtis said...

Very well said Jill, life is hard for many people and we can help ease the pain for many of them. I'm sure grateful for all my family, and the knowledge that families are forever!!

Amy said...

Thanks Jill! You hit it right on the spot - definitely putting things into perspective!